Monday, June 29, 2009

Thing 30: More RSS

Part of my morning routine is to check email and then check my RSS tab page on IGoogle where I keep up-to-date with the blogs of friends, plus follow a handful of professional blogs. I used to throw all my professional reading materials in a pile and once a month take some time to read through the collected materials. Now, I can do that more effeciently each day and then pass along any timely information. Less clutter makes me happy! (Husband, that one's for you!)

The suggested article was a bit overwhelming at first, particularly if you're not interested in how the RSS feed works, but rather just want the information. Their conclusion of "It's easy to get discouraged with RSS" could be applied to almost any new technology. I'll continue to plug away with my Bloglines account and will give their "reader" a try.

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