Monday, June 29, 2009

Thing 29: Google Tools

Search Tools
The ability to set up search alerts by keyword seems like a publicists dream. No longer do they have to search through newspapers, magazines, websites, etc. for posts about their client, now those articles/blog entries/etc. can be found for them and sent to them in their Google Reader.

Instead of playing further with these tools (though at our house, Husband set up an alert to track everything that was going on with the Iranian election), I chose to play around with the newer search features in Google, namely timeline and wonderwheel. These search features debuted this spring. I played with them then, but haven't looked at them in over a month. I'd like to show our sophomore World History students the timeline feature as it would work well with their Enlightenment project.

Husband and I use the Google calendar to keep track of our lives. It's a great way to see who is free and to schedule activities, appointments, etc. without having to interrupt their work day. We each have several calendars (individiual, joint, work, etc.) that are easily combined into one spot. It's been great and I laugh when I think how far we've come from when we used to plan it out on paper--a huge step for husband who never used to keep a calendar at all!

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