Monday, June 29, 2009

Thing 28: Customized Home Pages

This past school year I created an IGoogle page which I use for tracking news, my favorite comic, FB updates, etc. Also, I created a second tab for tracking blogs. The IGoogle page has been an effecient way to track blog postings (I prefer it to bloglines). I get frustrated when I try to add a new RSS feed because inevitably time has passed since the last time I did it and something has changed in the process. For example, today I wanted to add the 23 Things page for our group at NetVibes and had trouble finding the RSS feed gadget. The gadet I used last time for this purpose is not where I remember it being and a quick search resulted in new gadets and those that I tried didn't work.

I read Joyce Valenza's article about using IGoogle pages as a way to help students track their research. It's an intriguing idea and I'd like to know more about the type of projects that the students used the readers for . . . was it a current events class? Best though was her third "duh" where she pondered if her student users wouldn't be better served by integrating specifc RSS feeds into exisitng pathfinds. That's a trail I'd like to follow!

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