Thursday, July 3, 2008

Thing 19: Podcasts

If I weren't marrying a charming man who insists, nay, demands a speedy Internet connection at home (As if it were a constitutional right, which I do not believe it is, well, that is until we have Constitution 2.0!), here's the thing that might just push me to upgrade from dial-up all on my own!

Of course, once the downloadable book vendors figure out how to download books onto my Ipod, well then that speedy Internet connection will really be the bees-knees!

(Yet again, further proof that tattoos really out to be well thought out before being inked and in most cases, better not seen!)

About podcasts, I get them. We've had some small successes in our building with them, though just one or two teachers really interested in trying them. I am grateful, Mike, that you have helped with these projects and are familiar with Audacity. I have also read about them in educational magazines, the articles emphasizing the importance of pushing the learning beyond the classroom walls. Again, understandable, but the high school skeptic in me wonders who is listening to these regularly, other than family members? (You know, the fourth graders from Nebraska. Fun, weekly shows, but core audience?) Maybe my frustration comes from the technology a little bit, but more so wanting (some) teachers to raise the bar for the quality of the type of project students are doing?

1 comment:

Jon Zetah said...

Yes, I agree with you on Podcasts. Something just doesn't seem right with them when you ask yourself, "Who listens to these?" I think it is a novelty and is a technology waiting for a better use.