Thursday, July 3, 2008

Thing 17: ELM Productivity Tools

Minnesota is a great state. It's the 32nd state admitted to the union and one that pride's itself on fantastic public libraries. Hence ELM4You. Each year, I write a note to my state representatives to let them know how useful it is for our students to have access to a wealth of information via these state tax dollar funded databases. There's no way our school could afford all of them. It's simply fantastic that the state provides access.

Back to the assignment . . .
I have user folders at all the databases listed and demonstrate for a wide variety of audiences how to make them, store info, set up alerts, etc. I do like that feature because for many, research is done at a variety of locations and it's very helpful to be able to put all of the findings in one easy to locate spot! To give a quick example, when the online physical education class was being created, I was charged with finding assignments for students to read. I was able to search for articles, find them, dump them in a folder and then easily share them with the teacher, all without wasting paper. Yea!

1 comment:

C. Nelson said...

perhaps you could help clarify how ELM is different from the databases from the public library and the ones we have access to at school. i would also like more information about the folders and how they work!