Thursday, July 3, 2008

Thing 14: LibraryThing

This fall will mark my fourth year as a panelist for Booked for the Evening. It's an annual children's and young adult literature review and alumnae/alumni event for St. Kate's. On a late fall evening, four librarians review the best of the best books published in the current year and the Red Balloon Bookshop has copies of said books on hand for purchase.

I've tried different ways to keep track of books for this project, my most favorite is to toss reviews into a folder (usually purple as that is the Katie color) and then review them in the summer as I start to gear up in ernst for the presentation. Last year, my fellow presentor Ashley used
LibraryThing and upon her reccomendation, I started to use it for this project.

I like that I can see the book covers and can tag the books I add to help organize by year which titles I present. Also helpful is the comment section where I can start to put together my thoughts for what I will say about each book. Slow to embarce some library 2.0 technologies as I may be, this is one in particular that I enjoy and for which there is focused use and application.

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