Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Thing 1.4: Create an avatar

My mom always told me that I was unique. An individual. One of a kind. There was no one else like me.

Turns out that my mom is full of Wisdom 1.0 and that Al Gore and the other creators of Web 2.0 want to give her a run for her money. In a nod to my Norwegian ancestors, my avatar is named Ingrid (after my Tante Ingrd) and she speaks with a slight norske accent.

Get a Voki now!

Ha det bra!

1 comment:

Jon Zetah said...

I saw your Voki on your site, and I was like "How did she do that?" I had mine under my links and had a link to the player. Yours was way better! You motivated me to figure it out. Thanks!